He walked on the opposite side of the street to refresh his memory of the building. 他走在街的对面,努力回忆这座建筑的原貌。
When you need a boost, look over your file to refresh your memory. 当你需要振作一下的时候,看看自己记录的这个文件,重温一遍成功的记忆。
Because the application will rely on a database, you may want to refresh your memory of GroovySql before going further. 因为这个应用程序依赖于数据库,在继续之前,可能需要复习一下GroovySql。
Each chapter concludes with a brief summary; each one gave me a mental handle on the big picture and will also be helpful if I want to refresh my memory about particular areas later on. 每章末都有简短的小结;每个总结都给我勾勒出一个大致轮廓,并且对于我以后更新某些方面的认识也是有用的。
If you must rebuild the same code or build a newer version of the code, you can refer to your journal to refresh your memory. 如果您必须重新编译相同的代码,或者编译该代码更新的版本,那么就可以借助您的记录,回忆起所需采取的步骤。
To refresh one's memory. 将记忆重新梳理一遍。
You will learn to analyze singular sentences into their components, will refresh your memory on subjects and predicates, and will learn about three different kinds of subjects-predicate propositions. 你将学会把单句子分析成其组成部分,并重新忆起关于主语和谓语的概念,进而了解三种不同的主-谓命题。
Would you like to look at these images and see if they refresh your memory? 你想看看这些画面,看看能否唤起你的记忆吗?
I still pull it out to refresh my memory from time to time. 我仍然不时利用它来恢复我的记忆。
You may have met my family members before, I'm attaching a picture of them to refresh your memory! 你很久没见我的家人了,附上一张他们最近的相片刷新一下你的记忆。
I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the route. 我看了看地图,回想路线。
Every now and then one of these got a piece of paper out of his vest pocket and privately glanced at it to refresh his memory. 这些先生中不时有一位从马甲口袋里摸出一张字条来,偷偷扫上一眼,把忘了的词想起来。
Can you refresh my memory? Where did we meet? 你可以提醒我一下吗?我们在哪里见过?
You don't know how much you spent? Let me refresh your memory. 你不记得花了多少钱了?我来提醒你一下。
Referred to his notes to refresh his memory; 参考他的笔记以唤起记忆;
Perhaps you should refresh your memory about these? 或许你应该改变你对这些问题的印象?
Please refresh my memory as to where we've met before. 请提示一下,以前我们在什么地方见过。
After every stop, take lots of notes-you'll want to refresh your memory at the end of the day. 每次停车时,多做些记录,让你可以在一天结束后重新整理你的记忆。
Will someone refresh my memory please? I believe Wang was a reliever last year in the playoffs right? 有没有人可以唤醒我的记忆?我记得王建民在去年的季后赛时是中继投手?
Molly: Refresh my memory ( help me remember), tell me again where we met? 莫莉:帮我刷新一下我的记忆吧。说说上次是在哪儿见面的好吗?
He looked at the map to refresh his memory of the road. 他看地图以唤起他对那条道路的记忆。
He had to refresh his memory by looking at his notes. 他不得不靠看笔记来提醒自己。
And if you do need to refresh your memory later, rereading your notes is much easier and faster than reading the whole paper. 如果你要重温关于这篇文章的记忆,看笔记总比看整篇文章容易得多,也效率得多。
Mac could recall many of the names and even crossed-checked in his own diary to confirm and refresh his memory of all the people he had surreptitiously befriended to feed the "charged" water. 如今,马克还能清楚记得那些喝过这种水的受试者的名字,由于那都是他本人暗中以朋友的名义让他们喝的。
"I love you" I surely could refresh my memory for the last night we are together watching wonderful night scenery. “我爱你”我能肯定刷新我的记忆为最后夜我们一起观看美妙的夜风景。
Denise: Refresh my memory. You want to lose weight? 狄妮丝?如果我没记错。你不是要减肥?
Just to refresh your memory, we'll be discussing the renewal of our contract with the home safety product line. 只是想再次提醒您,我们要谈谈家庭安全产口线的续约问题。
Before I interviewed Ms Waters, I read her book again just to refresh my memory. 采访沃特斯女士之前,我又读了一遍她的书,以唤起自己的记忆。
At the same time, we should allow the victim to refer to the pre-trial documentaries or other written materials to help refresh his memory during testifying. 同时,允许被害人在作证过程中参考庭前陈述笔录或其他书面材料来帮助其恢复记忆。